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        Specialists in treatment of stone

Executive activities, advising and applying expertise.

RenoStone is specialised in renovating all kinds of natural stone, ceramics and cement tiles.


A name well known if it's about knowledge, the ability to solve problems and a precise approach.


Last but not least, RenoStone is an official  'advise point' and 'executive expert' for the ceramic tiles of Mosa Tiles.

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Stones, stones and more stones. That's our passion and strength. Renostone offers expertise in executive activities and gives precise advise. The knowledge to achieve this has been gained during a long period of practice and learning by trail and error. Most of the times, when you think you've tried everything, there will still be a possible solution. 


Renostone operates mainly througout The Netherlands, but also operates abroad. Also, Renostone is the official importer, advice- and sellingpoint of the praised Italian chemical brand FABER. Their proffesional products are applied daily by our executive experts to renovate natural stone and ceramics.



Knowlegde is what we use to achieve the best result possible. We dare to take an extra step when renovating, because of what we know about all different kinds of types of stone. Also our years of experience makes it possible to achieve more. Most of the times we decide that a test is needed to check if the approach we're thinking off is the right one. As a bonus it gives you a sneakpeak off how it will become!



No false promises, solution-based advise and clear language. That's something you can work with. What is still possible with the stone? What is achievable?


An answer if when it comes to epoxy joint veil, acid-damage, salpeter, patina on ceramic tiles, cement veil, greasy floors, dull spots on tiles, grout discoloration, stubborn limescale and a lot more you can think about.  


Next to advice and executive work, we also can do service-visits to test if a problem with tiles can be solved and/or can be prevented. During such a visit make test setting, have consultation with you, giving advice and (if desired) guidance in doing the job.  



Loose tiles and hollow-sounding tiles can be fixed without chopping or breaking. A special injection method offers the perfect solution.


Not only cost and time saving, but you will also be spared a lot of trouble. ​ Joint color not right? Scratches or damage on polished ceramic tiles? Extreme pollution? Epoxy grout veil? Damaged natural stone? There is more possible than you think!

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